Are you truly that inept that you don't know
how to play

Connect your Metamask Wallet by clicking the button in the upper right corner to login to the game.
After connecting your wallet, the room selection will be activated. Enter the room by choosing the time slot you want to play in.
Select the game time, card type and number of cards of your choice by filtering through the available options, pay the card fee, and join the game.
The game will not start until the countdown is completed. You can verify your cards' randomness by looking at their transactions while waiting.
The top left is where the drawn balls are seen, with the last ball bigger than the others. If you have a drawn number on your card, you can close the number by clicking on it.
When you create the winning pattern, click on the button of that pattern to send a notification for the smart contract to check. The button of the pattern sent for approval turns orange.
* If you don't click the button in time, you won't get the prize. Each prize is distributed once.
When someone wins a prize, an announcement opens on your screen with the username and
wallet address of the player who filled the pattern. The button of the confirmed pattern will be deactivated.
The game is over when Jammy is full or the balls run out.